Protein Suppliers
- IARL The Institute for Advanced Learning and
- ICL Food Specialties
- ID Capital Pte Ltd
- IDTechEx
- IFFA International Trade Fair for the Meat
- IFM Quality Services Pty Ltd
- Illucens GmbH
- Imagindairy
- IMCD Group
- IMCOPA Food Ingredients B.V.
- Improved Nature
- Inalve
- Incuvers Inc
- Independent Forums
- Infinome Biosciences
- Informa
- Ingood By Olga
- Ingredia Dairy Experts
- Ingredient Communications
- Ingredient Optimized
- Ingredients UK Ltd
- Ingredion Incorporated
- Innocent Meat GmbH
- Innophos
- Innova Market Insights
- InnovaFeed
- Innovation Forum
- InnovoPro
- Inproteins
- Inprotin
- Inseckt
- Insect Engineers
- Insectta Pte Ltd
- Insempra
- Insilico Medicine
- Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST)
- Institute of Food Technologists (IFT)
- INTEGRA Biosciences
- Integriculture Inc.
- International Association for Food Protection
- International Dairy Federation AISBL
- International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. IFF
- Investalga
- ISCCM Conference Secretariat
- ISEKI Food Association
- Isonova
- ISSCR The International Society for Stem
- Ivy Farm Technologies