Protein Suppliers
- Bösch Boden Spies GmbH & Co. KG
- Bühler AG
- Back Of The Yards Algae Sciences (BYAS)
- Baker Perkins Limited
- BALPro Association for Alternative Protein Sources
- BaltMilk
- Barentz
- Barry Callebaut AG
- Bastiaanse Communication
- BayWa Venture GmbH
- BC Aplicaciones Analíticas S.L.
- Beekenkamp Verpakkingen B.V.
- Believer Meats (Formerly Future Meat)
- Bell Flavors & Fragrances
- Benchling
- Bene Meat Technologies a.s.
- Benson Hill
- Bespoke Events
- Beta Bugs Limited
- Beta Hatch Inc
- Better Juice
- Better Origin (Entomics Biosystems Ltd.)
- BeVeg Vegan Certification
- Beyond Meat
- bflike
- BIC Services
- Biftek
- Bio-Check (UK) Ltd.
- Bio-Rad Laboratories
- Biobetter
- Biocatalysts
- Biocellion SPC
- BioCraft Pet Nutrition
- Bioextrax AB
- Bioflytech
- Biofood Systems Ltd
- BioFront Technologies
- Bioiberica
- bioMérieux (Industry)
- BioMar Group
- Biomega Group
- Biomilq
- Biomimetic Solutions
- Biorealize
- Biorefinery Solutions (BRS) B.V.
- Bioriginal
- BioscienZ BV
- Biospringer
- Biosyntia
- Biosystems S.A.
- BioTech Foods SL
- BioTork
- Bioveritas
- Blendtek Ingredients
- Blue Horizon
- BlueNalu Inc.
- Bluu Seafood (Bluu GmbH)
- BNP Media
- Bond Pet Foods, Inc.
- Boston Meats
- BRAIN Biotech
- Branston Ltd
- Bread and Jam Fest
- Brevel
- Bridge2Food Foundation
- Bright Green Partners B.V.
- Bruker Corporation
- Bruno Cell
- BSI (British Standards Institution)
- Bunge
- Burcon Nutrascience Corporation
- Business Conference Facilitation
- Butter Buds Inc.