Romer Labs Division Holding GmbH

Romer Labs Division Holding GmbH

Romer Labs offers a broad range of innovative diagnostic solutions covering: Food pathogens, Mycotoxins, Food allergens, GMO, Veterinary Drug Residues, Melamine, Meat and Bone Meal, Sugars.

3131 Getzersdorf

+43 2782 803 0

Romer Labs is a leading global supplier of diagnostic solutions for food and feed safety. The company offers a broad range of innovative tests and services covering mycotoxins, food pathogens, food allergens, gluten, GMO, veterinary drug residues, and other food contaminants. Furthermore, we operate four accredited, full-service laboratories on three continents.

Dedicated to being at the forefront of diagnostic technology, we constantly expand our product and service portfolio to continuously meet the evolving demands of our customers. Our fundamental objective at Romer Labs is to provide scientifically sound, high quality products and services, true to our mission: Making the World's Food Safer®.

Product Areas

Food Safety and Quality

Allergens Show all suppliers
Food and Plant Pathogens Show all suppliers
GMO Tests Show all suppliers
Mycotoxins Show all suppliers
Surface Hygiene Monitoring Show all suppliers