Ingood by Olga SULFODYNE active against viral infection

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Our RSS Feed
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RSS is commonly quoted as an acronyn for Really Simple Syndication. XML is an acronym for eXtensible Markup Language and represents a method for creating website data and databases.

The main objective of an RSS or XML feed is to supply news syndication or aggregation. It can be used as an alternative to signing up for email news updates - the advantages over email are: instant; anonymous; transient.

How to get an RSS feed RSS image

  • Drag the orange RSS button into your News Reader
  • Drag the URL of the RSS feed into your News Reader
  • Copy and paste the URL of the RSS feed into your News Reader

Where to get a News Reader

There are basically 2 types:

Web based RSS readers:

  • Yahoo
  • Google

Executable programs resident on your computer - many are free of charge

  • Awasu
  • FeedReader

Please note that the above readers are for example only - this does not form a recommendation - there are many more available.

We encourage the use of our RSS feeds as part of a website, subject to our Terms and Conditions.