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Proficiency Testing (PT) for Novel Alternative Protein-based Foods

Proficiency Testing Alternative Protein Foods
Discover Fapas® New PT Analytes for Novel Proteins

Principle: 'Real' food samples sent to test lab's analytical procedures

Storage: N/A

Approvals: Help fulfil ISO/IEC 17025 and FDA’s LAAF (Laboratory Accreditation for Analysis of Foods) requirements

Suitability: Nutritional analysis of novel protein incorporated plant-based foods, and associated authenticity of vegan food

Shelf Life: N/A


Fapas has for many years provided PT for nutritional testing, food contaminants, and GMOs and many of these tests are also relevant to the use of novel proteins. The range has now been further tailored to this sector with the release of the 2023/24 Fapas program.

Fapas PTs provide an independent, statistical, and confidential test of laboratory procedures that allows laboratories to demonstrate their systems performance and competency and help fulfil ISO/IEC 17025 and FDA’s LAAF (Laboratory Accreditation for Analysis of Foods) requirements.

Proficiency Testing Alternative Protein Foods

Key Points:
  • Fapas is an independent proficiency testing (PT) provider
  • Uses ‘real’ food samples, including samples that contain novel or alternative proteins
  • Provides an independent, statistical, and confidential test of laboratory procedures that allows laboratories to demonstrate their systems performance and competency
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