Explore the brand new agenda for the fermentation enable alternative protein summit

News : Apr 2023

A younger woman helping an older woman to balance in a yoga pose
Nuritas is disrupting ingredient discovery with its powerful AI platform. We talked to Dr. Andrew Franklyn-Miller about their plans to enhance the well-being of billions of people with their intelligent peptides. more...
Food Technologist in laboratory setting studying data on a clipboard
This 18-page study summarizes the latest developments and opportunities in alternative protein precision fermentation for companies wanting to progress in this area. more...
Microalgae producing natural astaxanthin
Manufacturers of nutraceuticals, wishing to incorporate AstaReal's astaxanthin into their products, can now benefit from i-ingredients Ltd technical, scientific and regulatory support. more...
Water Lentil and Processing Equipment
EFSA has concluded that Rubisco Foods water lentil protein concentrate, is safe under the proposed conditions of use. Water lentil protein content is rich in the branched-chain amino acids required for muscle building, making it especially suitable for those who need a protein-enriched diet. more...
a man charging his electic vehicle
As car manufacturers revolutionise driving by bringing electric vehicles to the masses, are there parallels with transforming the food supply chain? We explore the challenges and opportunities with Brevel. more...

DSM Launches New Plant Power Toolkit

24 Apr 2023 | PBD&ESI

DSM Plant power tool kit
Experts at DSM have created "The Plant Power Toolkit." These unique solutions will help you build taste, texture, and health into all your plant-based fermented products. more...
New concepts for high protein RTD tea and coffee
Arla Foods Ingredients will showcase two new concepts for high-protein RTD tea and coffee at Vitafoods Europe. Both products are high in protein and calcium owing to the addition of micellar casein isolate, Lacprodan MicelPure®. more...
eniferBio has raised €11M to scale the production of its PEKILO® mycoprotein powder, which contains very high levels of protein, healthy carbs, fats, and minerals. more...
Confectionery biscuits juice and yoghurt
Sweegen invites you to cut sugar and get more flavor. Find out how you can push the boundaries of better-for-everyone product innovation using the proprietary new taste modulation flavors in their Sweetensity™ Collection. Powered by Sweegen’s sweet protein technology. more...
microbial fermentation capacity database now with operational status
Users can now filter for fermentation facilities that are ‘Active,’ ‘Under Development,’ and ‘Inactive,’ making it even easier to find the production capacity that meets their needs. more...
Marlow Ingredients Launch April 2023
The makers of Quorn, Marlow Foods have set up Marlow Ingredients to supply their highly nutritious mycoprotein to food and beverage manufacturers. more...
cultivated meat
The collaboration will leverage ADM's diverse ingredient range and expertise in complete nutritional solutions along with Believer Meats' proprietary cell-cultivated meat process. more...
Potential for Unexpected Allergens in New Plant Varieties
FDA reaches out to developers of new plant varieties that contain transferred genes coding for food allergens and invites them to engage on how they will handle potential allergen risks and develop proactive risk management plans. more...
Next Generation Probiotics
Potential next-generation probiotics candidates are known to produce extracellular vesicles (EVs), which may contribute to their functionality. But their complex and specific nutritional requirements make production challenging.
China Agri-Food Biomanufacturing Alliance AFBA
AFBA’s mission is to bring leading biotechnology and food & agriculture industry leaders together to foster cross-pollination and catalyze the transformation of the food & agriculture industry by leveraging advanced biomanufacturing technologies. more...
Lory IsoCrisp
Add a pleasant crunch to biscuits, bars, muesli, and granola, as well as other snacks, whilst also providing a plant protein boost; the new Lory® IsoCrisp has 71g protein per 100g. more...
No egg egg sandwich
Made from rapeseed oil and soy protein, this plant-based egg white looks and tastes like egg white from chicken's eggs. more...
Mycolein functional fat ingredient
With a juiciness similar to animal fat, Mycolein, a versatile mycoprotein-stabilised fat solution, is suitable for any food product, including plant-based, alt protein, and healthier option meat products. more...
Fermentation Produces Better Alpha-lonone Flavour Ingredient
In contrast to chemically manufactured, racemic alpha-Ionone aromas, Insempra’s natural product has a more defined and purer aroma achieved by selectively producing only the desired enantiomer, (R)-alpha-Ionone, resulting in a uniquely superior, deep and fresh violet and raspberry aroma. more...

GRAS for Natural Vegan Vitamin D3

05 Apr 2023 | PBASI

VEGADELIGHT naturally derived vitamin D3
Most vitamin D3 is derived from the lanolin of sheep's wool. Food and beverage manufacturers will welcome this clean label vegan alternative. more...
Woman cooking with her daughter
This partnership aims to design brand-new nutrition and health ingredients targeting an optimal interaction with gut microbiota to contribute to a healthy diet. more...
Different Lory Tex wheat texturates
European wheat processor now offers plant-based solution expertise to manufacturers in Central and North America making its functional wheat-based ingredients available to industrial customers. more...
Runner stretching
A unique human clinical trial measured physiological responses to astaxanthin supplementation after intense exercise using untargeted proteomics and a targeted, comprehensive panel of oxylipins and cytokines. more...
Young man and young woman in sportswear with football and yoghurt
Responding to consumer demands, Arla Foods Ingredients are launching a new brand of microencapsulated whey proteins. Nutrilac® ProteinBoost is rich in all essential amino acids and has a smooth texture. Food Manufacturers can join a virtual protein seminar to learn more. more...