News : Jul 2021
Butter Buds launched a non-dairy ingredient based on coconut oil, called Butter Buds ND Butter Base 100. It was developed not only for bakery products, but for all formulators looking to reach their flavour targets without the use of a dairy allergen. more...
Plant-Dairy Protein™ comes in four types of plant-based proteins (Pea, Mung Bean, Fava Bean and Chickpea) and functions perfectly to enhance protein level, smoothing mouthfeel, and create texture in your plant-based dairy product. more...
The new facility will produce high-quality potato protein to use in plant-based meat formulations, using a state-of-the-art extraction process. more...
Find out via case studies which of the Kerry Groups plant and dairy protein solutions were applied to achieve product advances eg vegan protein waters, plant protein lattes, vegan confectionery, protein-enriched ice cream, plant-based milks, and a plant-based Bolognese sauce. more...
Ingredion's VITESSENCE® TEX Crumbles 102 is a versatile textured pea protein for formulators looking to recreate the texture of real meat. more...
Israeli-based food-tech company NextFerm Technologies is ready to enter the US and Canadian markets with two new astaxanthin and protein ingredients obtained from fermented yeast. more...
Solabia-Algatech Nutrition launched BioGlena, a natural source of β-glucan extracted from E. gracilis through fermentation. BioGlena has many potential applications and can fit perfectly in clean label formualations. more...
Alt-Dairy Brands Urged to Copy Techniques of Their Dairy Rivals
14 Jul 2021 | PBCAD&E
Producers in the alt-dairy space, from cheese to chocolate, ice cream to oat milk can now join Ministry of Mylk and benefit from collective marketing initiatives, online webinars and networking events to help brand growth. more...
Aker BioMarine Obtains GRAS Status for INVI Protein
14 Jul 2021 | SI
Congratulations to Aker BioMarine on obtaining GRAS status for their novel, sustainably produced krill protein hydrolysate product, INVI more...
With high solubility and smooth texture, ChickP isolate offers a highly nutritious, clean-label, plant based egg replacement solution for mayonnaise manufacture. more...
Ideal for Vegan Customers: NEXT EGG 1.0 to Launch in Japan
12 Jul 2021 | PB
Next Meats vegan egg subsitute is perfect to satisfy Japan's appetite for eggs and growing interest in plant-based foods. more...
Developing Plant-based Alternatives with RSSL
12 Jul 2021 | PB
In this video Carole Bingley, Technical Specialist Product Development at RSSL explains some of the challenges when developing plant-based meat alternatives and how RSSL can help. more...
Lower Sodium, Higher Flavor, Perfect for Plant-based Bites
12 Jul 2021 | SI
Salt of the Earth's Mediterranean Umami Bold is a clean-label, plant-based solution for flavor enhancement and sodium reduction. In this article we hear why it's the perfect ingredient in plant based snacks. more...
New sustainable protein ingredient, Rhiza, is minimally processed, can be used in ground and whole cut meat applications, and is cheaper than beef. more...
Noochy Crisp™ is set to revolutionize the nutritional yeast market, being the first extruded nutritional yeast. Available in crisp format it improves nutritional content of health bars amongst other applications. more...