Explore the brand new agenda for the fermentation enable alternative protein summit

News : Jun 2021

gelatin made from recombinant protein expression
Provenance Bio has produced animal-free gelatin from recombinant full-length, bovine type I collagen, produced in their proprietary protein expression platform. Beating animal agriculture prices more...
Faravelli ingredients for plant based meat products
Based on stabilizers and emulsifiers, FARA® Functional Systems are designed to meet customers specific requirements in terms of texture and stability, make plant based meat products with fewer calories and zero fat. more...
High Moisture Texture for Plant Based Alternatives
Plenti® is a High Moisture Extruded (HME) texture made from European soya protein and water, produced using Ojah’s unique HME process creates plant based whole muscle meat like textures. more...

Winners announced for Quorn Foods Challenge: Technologies Helping to Achieve a Whole Muscle Food Experience and Roquette Challenge: Plant-Based Products Offering New Gastronomic Experiences to the Consumer

Vegan burger on skillet
With investment from Nutreco, ENOUGH - manufacturers of ABUNDA mycoprotein, will prioritise collaboration and B2B supply to maximise pace of growth and reach in the alternative protein space. more...
NeOse Advance is the first product based on Aryballe’s silicon photonics-based platform together with cloud-enabled software, the Aryballe Suite it can make odor data more reliable and objective. more...
Food Technologist working at Pilot Plant
The Protein Brewery (TPB), an innovative developer of protein-rich food ingredients, replacing animals in the food chain, is in the process of commercializing protein products made by fermentation technologies. more...
There is exciting news in the alternative protein category as Unilever partner with ENOUGH to bring new plant based meat products to market. more...
Sesame seeds non-GMO with higher protein levels
New collaboration will introduce a sesame seed based concentrate with 65 - 70% protein content aimed as cost effective alternative to soy and pea.
Blackgrain Rapeseed Powder
Blackgrain from Yellow Fields™ is a rapeseed nutrient-rich powder that has obtained EFSA novel food status for Avena Nordic Grain. In this newprotein.net interview, we find out about its taste profile, sustainability, and its unique 3-in-1 composition. more...
Friends enjoying dairy free foods and drinks
With the functionality and nutritional profile of milk protein from cows milk, Imagindairy's milk proteins from cellular agriculture look set to revolutionise alternative milk and dairy analogs. more...
range of hemp seeds and oils
In this exclusive interview with Ben Raymond, Director of R&D at Victory Hemp Foods we discover the properties of their hemp seed based ingredients that help new product development teams improve protein and omega-3 fat content, whilst at the same time maintaining a clean label approach. more...
Plant-based protein for pet and aquaculture feed
Scoular has named their new barley-based protein source 'Emerge'. It is made through a patented production process that uses fractionation to naturally concentrate the protein found in whole barley kernels. more...
Probiotics Institute
A new initiative from Chr. Hansen sets out to demystify and provide information about probiotics to healthcare professionals and B2B customers on a global scale. more...
Flavors to improve vegan products
Flavor portfolio helps solve the taste and flavor challenges in current product formulations,  including masking off-notes of plant-based proteins, achieving desirable mouthfeel and delivering the perfect flavor experience. more...
Yellow and White Chlorella vulgaris Powders
Yellow Chlorella works well as an egg substitute, while White Chlorella can replace conventional dairy bases such as milk, increasing the protein content of the product. Both Chlorellas are effective texturising and thickening agents.  more...