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1st August 2023  Editorial by: newprotein staff writer

Understanding Consumer Attitudes Towards Cellular Agriculture

Singaporean consumers are the most aware of cellular agriculture, but Chinese and Thai consumers are the most likely to buy cultivated meat and products derived from precision and biomass fermentation, once they enter the market, wheras Japanese consumers are the least likely to purchase.

These are findings from some of Food Frontier’s latest research into key Asian export markets which identify the most promising market opportunities for local manufacturers of alternative proteins (plant-based meats and products made via cellular agriculture).

This spotlight report looks at the consumer awareness and acceptance levels of cell ag, from research that was contained in the wider report. Of 11 countries assessed across Asia, China, Thailand, Singapore, South Korea, and Japan were highlighted as the five markets that had the greatest potential for sales of alternative proteins.

The research of 1,000 consumers in each of the five markets (5,000 in total) showed that in China, Thailand and Singapore, consumers who have children living in the household are significantly more likely to buy cellular agriculture products (cultivated meat and products of precision or biomass fermentation), and it seems age doesn’t determine Asia’s appetite for novel foods—in some markets acceptance of these novel foods rose with age.

Until recently Singapore was the only country in the world that allows the sale of cultivated meat, although its availability is limited. (Cultivated chicken has now entered the market in the USA thanks to the endeavours of GOOD Meat and UPSIDE Foods). Singaporeans reported price as the number one barrier to consuming cultivated meat, while other markets listed unfamiliarity.

View the spotlight report for the key findings, click here to download the full report, or connect directly with Food Frontier today using the green button below.



Date Published: 1st August 2023

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