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15th June 2022  Content supplied by: SuperMeat

Supermeat to Open High-throughput Screening System for Optimizing Cultivated Meat Feed Ingredients

SuperMeat has received a grant from the Israeli Innovation Authority to establish an open high-throughput screening system for optimizing cultivated meat feed ingredients, helping the entire industry work toward commercial viability.

SuperMeat will use the funding to set up the world's largest open high-throughput system for cultivated meat media ingredients, supplements and cell scaffolds for cultivated meat production. As part of this effort, SuperMeat partnered with Thermo Fisher Scientific, which provided the world's most advanced screening platform and will support the development and operation of the system. The system will allow SuperMeat to screen hundreds of thousands of materials every month, helping identify the highest quality ingredients with the lowest costs.

By optimizing the ingredients for the cell feed (media), SuperMeat will be able to significantly lower production costs, and improve product quality – providing an open standard for cell feed ingredients that can be used by cultivated meat companies around the world moving toward commercialization.

"The Israeli Innovation Authority has long been a leader in innovation of all kinds. We are honored to receive its support to help pave the way to a standard for a healthier, more sustainable food system for all," says Ido Savir, CEO of SuperMeat. "The system establishment supported by this grant will allow SuperMeat to leverage the cultivated meat production technology it has built to help reduce costs and provide the cultivated meat industry an open platform for commercialization through its strategic partners globally."

This announcement comes on the heels of two strategic partnerships for SuperMeat to further the path to commercialization. Most recently the company announced a strategic partnership with Ajinomoto, a global food ingredient and biotechnology leader, to establish a commercially viable supply chain platform for the cultivated meat industry. SuperMeat has also signed a memorandum of understanding with PHW Group, one of Europe's largest poultry producers and the only company from the meat industry to rank among the 50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders, to manufacture and distribute cultivated meat at a large scale for European consumers.

Through its partnerships paired with the introduction of the open cell feed optimization system, SuperMeat aims to help remove the greatest barrier for cultivated meat commercialization, the cost of cell feed, and move forward commercial viability for the industry as a whole.

By optimizing the ingredients for the cell feed (media), SuperMeat will be able to significantly lower production costs, and improve product quality – providing an open standard for cell feed ingredients that can be used by cultivated meat companies around the world.

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Date Published: 15th June 2022

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