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3rd March 2021  Product update: new protein staff writer

Stillage Upcycled to Produce Ultra-High Protein

Green Plains has announced that development efforts between Green Plains, Fluid Quip Technologies and other innovation partners have led to the production of 58% sustainable Ultra-High Protein at Green Plains’ Shenandoah, Iowa biorefinery.

The breakthrough development was achieved using Fluid Quip’s proprietary MSC™ protein technology and improved operating parameters at full commercial run rates.

MSC™ (Maximized Stillage co-products) technology extracts protein from the whole stillage that remains after ethanol processing and makes a protein feed for pets and livestock. 

The company has delivered initial quantities of the new product to its pet food partners for use in formulation and palatability studies to confirm improved taste and nutritional characteristics.

The initial Ultra-High Protein system, installed in Shenandoah, Iowa, began production in April 2020 and has seen consistent protein concentration and purity improvement since inception.

Green Plains has announced plans to install this revolutionary technology at Mount Vernon, Ind., Obion, Tenn. and Wood River, Neb., with the intent to implement the technology across its entire biorefinery platform.

The company also announced initial offtake and sales agreements for most of its 2021 Ultra-High Protein production for use in pet food, poultry feed, aquaculture feed and dairy rations.



Date Published: 3rd March 2021

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Note: This content has been edited by a staff writer for style and content.

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