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26th October 2021  Content supplied by: Hargol FoodTech

Nutrient-Rich Grasshopper Protein for Humans

Hargol FoodTech is the world's first commercial grasshopper farm and a leader in the alternative protein space worldwide.

It was the first company in the world to reach industrial scale production of a grasshopper-based protein ingredient for human consumption. Its mission is to deliver an alternative protein that is healthier for humans with minimal environmental impact.

Grasshoppers are at the end of the last mile before becoming the second insect to be approved for hunman consumption after mealworms. At the end of May 2021, the EFSA published its positive opinion on the safety of frozen, dried and powder forms.

On the 7th of October 2021, the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed, also gave its favourable opinion on the draft legal act authorising its placing on the market. The last and final act for full authorisation will be the publication in the Official Journal of the European Union of the European Commission in the next few weeks.

Hargol has two ingredients designed for food, beverage and supplement producers: 

PRO72 Nutrient Rich Protein Ingredient – Comes in a powder form and provides a boost in protein and essential nutrients, with a shelf life of up to 24 months.

The New Meat – A paste that can be easily blended into plant/animal meat products providing a boost in essential nutrients and a wide range of health benefits, with a reduced carbon footprint.

Both products contain natural & unprocessed 72% whole protein and many other essential micro-nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins.

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Date Published: 26th October 2021

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