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22nd February 2023  Content supplied by: BeVeg Vegan Certification

Is Your Vegan Claim Backed By Accredited Standards?

There are multiple Vegan trademarks, but only one with accredited Vegan certification standards behind the trademark, and that is BeVeg! As questions arise regarding what brand to trust for Vegan certification and product labelling, the answer remains with BeVeg.

BeVeg, headquartered in the United States, remains the leading and only Vegan certification standard around the globe to apply consistent audit controls through the use of third-party certification audits.

Third-party certification is the highest quality system when it comes to product labeling and certifications because it ensures products have been comprehensively evaluated by an independent party for compliance with an accredited standard developed by industry experts and stakeholders. Companies must work with third-party technical administrators to get their products verified. A list of BeVeg qualified Vegan certifiers include NSF, Food Chain ID, and the Orthodox Union (OU kosher) certifiers. “

There is a consumer confusion crisis when it comes to labelling for Vegan, Vegan friendly, plant-based, cruelty-free, and certified Vegan trademarks. The consumer is unaware of what each trademark means and is totally unaware of what standards, if any exist to hold these Vegan label claims accountable. Vegan labels are often made loosely, independently and without audit. Such claims legally cannot be considered “certification” trademarks as that implies an audit was completed. If no audit is completed and no accredited standards exist, the trademark is either meaningless, or a “verification” program.

To date, BeVeg Vegan Certification is the only ISO 17065 and 17067 accredited Vegan certification trademark. The BeVeg Vegan trademark ensures that products using its Vegan symbol are truly Vegan; free from animal ingredient contamination, no animal testing, and no animal exploitation in the manufacturing process. To earn BeVeg Vegan certification, a product has to complete a five-step process, verifying that each of their products do not contain any animal ingredients, by-products or animal GMOs used in the manufacturing and ingredient sourcing of the finished products; that they come from a manufacturing facility that has been audited to confirm proper controls are in place (including cross-contamination prevention); no animal testing was conducted; and the products are considered cruelty-free.

For retailers, brands, and companies looking for Vegan certification for the right reasons, the BeVeg certified Vegan symbol is the only option, as it is a quality assurance program, providing confidence, trust, transparency and relief to those looking for label transparency in order to make informed purchasing decisions.

To learn more about BeVeg or how to get Vegan certified, visit www.beveg.com.



Date Published: 22nd February 2023

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