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28th August 2023 Content supplied by: Hanson Wade
DSP Summit Exclusive Interview with Impossible Foods
The DSP for Alternative Proteins & Cellular Agriculture Summit (September 26-28) is the only meeting dedicated to optimizing your novel foods’ downstream processing for reduced cost, improved titer, upmost quality and commercial scalability.
Ahead of the conference, we caught up with Impossible Foods’ Senior Engineering Manager, Bryce Sullivan, to discuss what he’s looking forward to:
Q: There’s a lot of talk about the market potential of alternative proteins – how important is downstream processing to achieve this?
Bryce: “Very, unless you're growing your protein in the exact shape, color, texture, etc that is your end-product you will need to do some amount of downstream processing. Even animal-based proteins have a "downstream process" like milk with pasteurization and mixing.”
Q: What would you say is the biggest challenge in downstream processing for alternative proteins?
Bryce: “That's a tough one, it depends a lot on your specific product and protein. Some companies might find cost to be a challenge and roadblock, which isn't uncommon in biotech.”
Q: What are you most looking forward to at the DSP for Alternative Proteins & Cellular Agriculture Summit?
Bryce: “I'm looking forward to participating in one of the few spaces that focuses on downstream processing. It will be exciting and intriguing to see the opinions brought to the table and expand the industry connection and focus on downstream processing.”
Don’t miss your opportunity to be part of the conversation – book your ticket and join us this September!
Date Published: 28th August 2023
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